Building a Solar Park: Returns & Permits for Constructing a Solar Park

Building a solar park represents an advanced and sustainable form of energy utilization. Due to growing concerns about climate change and fossil fuels, more and more investors and energy companies are turning to large-scale photovoltaic systems. A solar park is a ground-mounted facility equipped with numerous photovoltaic modules to convert sunlight into electrical energy. They enable environmentally friendly and efficient electricity generation compared to conventional energy sources.

The planning and construction of a solar park require careful consideration and extensive knowledge in various areas. This includes selecting a suitable location, securing financing, and considering legal requirements. The efficiency of the solar system heavily depends on the geographical location and the tilt of the solar modules to utilize optimal sunlight exposure. Additionally, one must become familiar with the latest technologies in solar modules and energy storage systems to ensure maximum performance.

There are also economic benefits beyond the ecological ones, such as government subsidies, feed-in tariffs, and reduced electricity costs. Investments in solar energy can not only contribute to reducing CO2 emissions in the long term but also offer financially attractive returns. Solar parks are increasingly attracting interest from local businesses and farmers who lease their land for this purpose.

Photovoltaic modules on open space

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Basics of Solar Park Planning

Detailed planning and a deep understanding of renewable energies are essential when setting up a solar park. The careful elaboration of all aspects from site selection to legally compliant operation is crucial for the success of the photovoltaic project.

The Importance of Renewable Energies

Renewable energies play an increasingly important role in energy supply; photovoltaic systems like solar parks are key elements. According to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the use of renewable energies is promoted and legally regulated. A solar park contributes to achieving climate goals by providing a clean energy source and helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A permit is required for the construction and use of a solar park. Therefore, planning a solar park requires precise knowledge of the legal framework. This includes not only the EEG but also regional regulations and guidelines regarding construction and landscape protection. The approval processes can vary depending on where and to what extent the solar park is to be built.

Project Development and Realization of a Solar Park

The development and implementation of a solar park is a complex process that requires careful planning and strategic decisions. It begins with site selection and includes economic feasibility studies as well as navigating approval processes.

Selection of Suitable Sites

Selecting a suitable site is crucial for building solar parks. Primarily, attention must be paid to solar radiation, topography, and existing connection possibilities to the power grid. Depending on the size of the planned solar park, local land-use planning may also play a role. The provided areas should also offer as little conflict potential as possible with other land uses such as agriculture or nature conservation. If leasing occurs, a lease agreement for the respective ground-mounted systems is particularly important.

We at Enlapa help you find a suitable plot for your solar park

Economic Feasibility Calculation and Return Expectations

A precise economic feasibility calculation is of great importance for investors who want to invest in solar parks. This includes not only the costs for construction and commissioning but also the expected return, which results from the yield of the photovoltaic ground-mounted system. Future revenues depend, among other things, on the yield per kilowatt-hour and the respective valid rates of the EEG subsidy. Investors should therefore relate the ongoing revenues to the initial investment costs and the future development of remuneration rates.

Approval Processes and Legal Framework

Various legal frameworks and prerequisites must be observed and fulfilled when realizing a solar park. These include building permits and the EEG, which regulates subsidy issues. It is advisable to apply for all permits already in the early phase of project development. The duration of the approval process varies depending on the federal state and the complexity of the project. It is important to keep an overview of required environmental assessments and coordination with the responsible authorities.

The construction and turnkey delivery of a solar park is a demanding project, requiring numerous steps from the initial idea to commissioning and beyond. For systems that provide more than 10 MW of power, the requirements are particularly high, and the price per installed kilowatt can be relevant.

Installation PV roof system

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Building and Commissioning a Solar Park

The construction of a solar park represents an environmentally friendly investment in the future. It encompasses complex technical, constructional, and operational aspects that must be carefully planned and implemented.

Technical Details of Photovoltaic Systems

Photovoltaic systems (PV systems) in solar parks convert solar energy into electrical energy. They consist of several components, including solar cells, inverters, and wiring systems. The efficiency and performance of the systems depend on the quality and interaction of these components. In planning, factors such as the orientation and tilt of the modules and local solar radiation must also be considered to achieve maximum energy yield.

Construction Process and Phases of Erection

The construction process of a solar park is divided into different phases. Initially, detailed planning takes place, followed by obtaining the necessary permits. The actual construction phase then begins with the preparation of the open space. This includes leveling the terrain and installing the substructure on which the PV modules will later be mounted. After the installation of the solar panels and the technical infrastructure, the wiring and connection to inverters follow. The construction process is usually organized in milestones to closely monitor progress.

Commissioning and Grid Connection

After completing the construction and technical work, the solar park is gradually commissioned. In this phase, tests are conducted to ensure that each component functions correctly and that the system delivers the expected energy. The grid connection occurs only after all safety and performance tests have been successfully completed. With commissioning, the regular operation of the solar park begins, and continuous maintenance becomes a crucial factor for the longevity and efficiency of the system.

Maintenance and Operation

The maintenance and operation of a solar park are crucial for its efficiency and profitability. They include regular maintenance measures as well as continuous monitoring and optimization of system performance.

Sustainable Maintenance and Upkeep

Regular maintenance is essential to sustainably ensure the high performance of a solar park. This includes checking and repairing technical components such as modules, mounts, and inverters. Both fixed and variable costs are incurred annually, with the size of the solar park in hectares and the performance per kilowatt peak (kWp) influencing the cost amount.

  • Example Calculation:

    • Fixed costs: 1,000 euros/year

    • Variable costs: 25 euros/kWp/year

    • Total costs for 5 hectares and 3 MWp: Fixed costs + (3,000 kWp * Variable costs)

Monitoring, Optimization, and Evaluation of System Performance

The performance of a solar park is ensured through continuous monitoring. Modern monitoring systems collect data on system performance, allowing optimization potentials to be identified and implemented. The collected data enables an exact calculation of electricity production and provides important information for the operation of the system.

  • Important Factors in Operating Solar Parks:

    • Energy generation per hour/day/month

    • Downtimes and performance ratio

    • Weather data in relation to performance

Marketing of Generated Electricity

The profitability of a solar park is closely linked to the marketing of the generated electricity. Investing in a solar park means either selling the generated electricity directly or trading it on the energy market. The operation of the system thus falls into the area of energy management, which keeps an eye on prices, tariffs, and feed-in tariffs.

  • Marketing Aspects:

    • Direct marketing through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

    • Participation in energy trading

    • Use of subsidy programs

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